Since the beginning of this pandemic, children have gone from making up 3% of new COVID cases to making up 22.4% of the newest cases. With this rise of sick children, it is becoming more and more important to vaccinate your children.
Should parents vaccinate their children? That is the question this blog will strive to answer. The short answer to this question is that yes, the vaccine is safe for children to take, and there are great benefits to taking the vaccine. While there are side effects to the vaccine, these are largely minor.
[bctt tweet=”Should you vaccinate your 12-year-old with the Pfizer vaccine? Read the following blog to find out. ” via=”no”]
Is the Vaccine Safe for my Child?
On May 10th the Food and Drug Administration expanded the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the Pfizer vaccine to 12-15-year-olds as well as people 16 and up. They made this decision because of clinical trials that were done in the United States. The vaccine is not only safe and effective for your child, but it is also beneficial to your child.
Benefits of the Vaccine
There are many benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine. The biggest and most obvious one is the prevention of coronavirus disease. Because these vaccines prevent the COVID-19 virus, being fully vaccinated allows people to return to their everyday lives without constantly wearing a mask, which most people on the planet are looking forward to.
On a psychological level, the vaccine helps remove some of the worries that have plagued most of our minds. These are all benefits we should be giving to our children.
Possible Side Effects
Just as the CDC and the FDA have talked about the benefits of the vaccine, they have also talked about the side effects. The CDC has released a list of vaccine side effects. This list includes:
- Tiredness
- Headache
- Nausea
- Muscle Pain
- Chills
- Fever
- Pain, Redness, and Swelling at the injection site.
All of these side effects are minor compared to the more serious side effects of the virus itself. These side effects should go away within a few days, whereas the virus itself can cause serious complications, long-term effects, and even death.
There have been a select few people that have reacted poorly to the vaccine, mainly the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. There were a few complications in those cases, like multiple rare side effects afflicting people at once. At the end of the day, the reward greatly outweighs the risks.
Vaccinate Your Family
Vaccinating your children is not only safe for your children, but it is beneficial to them. Although it can be scary to get vaccinated, it is the best way to return life to normal. Vaccination is available in the United States, and you can look up where to get it at this site.
Contact us for more information about the vaccine!